About Bion

Bion’s third generation technology platform provides a pathway to true economic and environmental sustainability.

Bion is a public company (OTC QB: BNET) whose mission is to provide sustainable environmental and economic solutions to the challenges faced by the livestock industry and investment returns to its shareholders. Bion’s proven Gen3Tech provides a comprehensive treatment of livestock waste that minimizes its environmental impacts and upcycles waste stream resources into valuable products, including renewable energy, low-carbon and organic nitrogen fertilizers, and clean water. Bion represents a win-win: for the environment, the producer, and the consumer.


For an industry in need of sustainable solutions

Bion’s technology platform delivers sustainable results that are measurable and backed by third-party verification.

Bion’s Gen3Tech platform provides third-party verification of the environmental benefits it delivers, as well as the energy- and resource-efficiency improvements it achieves. Independent verification, supported by blockchain, will satisfy EPA, USDA, and other regulatory agency requirements. This same verification process will support a sustainable brand, certified by the USDA’s Process-Verified-Program (PVP), the gold standard in food certifications.

Bion previously achieved conditional approval from USDA for the reduced carbon, nutrient, and pathogen footprint resulting from its second generation technology (pending resubmission and final inspections) and has begun the application process with the Gen3Tech platform.